Aghada GAA Club

Founded 1885


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Option 1: Yearly Subscription - €100

This subscription auto recurs each year.


Option 2
: Quarterly Subscription - €25 

This subscription auto recurs every 3 months.


All lotto results and jackpot details can be viewed here.

Lotto Rules

All lotto rules can be seen here


About our Fundraising

Greetings all,

Thank you for taking the time to read this short piece about a new fundraising campaign that we are undertaking on behalf of the Aghada GAA Community.

The campaign is directed at everybody who has a genuine interest in the Aghada GAA Club, and its future involvement within the Community.

Our Finance Committee is continually looking at ways to raise finance for the running of the Club. It gets tougher each year as the basic costs keep on rising. It may surprise you to see the following chart outlining the basic facility costs for the previous few years.

Rostellan Facility Running Costs Chart

As you can see, it costs almost €45,000 to keep our gates open to facilitate our ever-increasing membership, players and patrons.

As a Club, we can be proud of our facilities and grateful to all those gone before us for their vision and diligence in providing for us, facilities that are comparatively second to none. As we plan for further future development, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that we adequately finance and maintain same for the future generations of players and supporters alike.

Whilst we try to be as innovative as possible in our fundraising endeavours, we are largely dependent on the same cohort of supporters each year. However, this year we would hope to attract families within our parish and the surrounding areas whose children avail of the facilities on a regular basis.

We would appeal to all supporters who are presently not contributing to our Weekly Lotto Draw to consider making an Annual Payment for inclusion in the weekly draw. It costs less than €1.70 per week to support and a jackpot of up to €20,000 is up for grabs on a weekly basis!

We would be delighted to see a positive response to this genuine request, and if anybody has any other ideas how we might raise much needed funding, we are all ears!

Thank you in advance for your support.

The Finance Committee



Option 1: Yearly Subscription - €100

This subscription auto recurs each year.

Option 2: Quarterly Subscription - €25

This subscription auto recurs every 3 months.


All lotto results and jackpot details can be viewed here.

Lotto Rules

All lotto rules can be seen here

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