Aghada GAA Club

Founded 1885

Club Policies









      Áth fhada GAA Policies Nov 2023 AGM 



























1. Contents  


Introduction. 3

National Directives and Legislative Responsibilities 3

Aghada Juvenile GAA Player development policy. 4

Sponsorship and Fundraising Policy. 6

Expense Reimbursement Policy. 7

Dogs on Club Grounds Policy. 8

Aghada Club Crest Policy. 9

Aghada GAA Section Player Injury Policy. 10

Inclusion Policy. 13

GYM Policy. 14

Grievance Policy. 15
















While the detail in this document has been carefully correlated, it is accepted that errors and omissions may occur, and it is expected that the spirit of this document will be adopted by Club members in achieving best practice.   

A policy is a set of general guidelines that outline the organization’s plan for tackling an issue. Policies communicate the connection between the organization’s overall Mission statement, vision and values and its day-to-day operations.  

Using policies and procedures together gives Club members a well-rounded view of their Club. They know the type of culture that the organization is striving for, what behaviour is expected and how to achieve both of these.  

The absence of written policies results in unnecessary time and effort spent trying to agree on a course of action.   


Note: Having appropriate policies in place and communicating these effectively to Club members will play an important role in the running of our club and help to guide and support Club members and officers.   To adopt policies and practices which enhance the club and its activities.  

National Directives and Legislative Responsibilities

Many of the policies within this document will align directly with GAA National directives regarding policies and procedures. Policies will be introduced at the discretion of the Aghada Executive Committee but will not conflict with GAA National Policies and Procedures.   

Aghada Gaa, Ladies football and Camogie will operate in compliance with all relevant legislation such as (but not limited to); Health and Safety, Children’s First, Data Protection, Vetting etc.   














 Aghada Juvenile GAA Player development policy



Purpose: To provide a framework that allows Coaches to provide meaningful development

of ALL our Juvenile Players in a structured manner. Our aim is to provide an environment that is enjoyable for all our younger players while also aiming to help them to achieve the maximum from their abilities in both Hurling and Football.


Aghada Juvenile GAA Player development policy


Aghada GAA is not a win at all cost club. We want to ensure; we have as many young people

playing Gaelic Games in Aghada as is possible and that means providing all players with as

much playing time as possible. Ultimately, we want to bring as many of our juvenile players

to play at adult level for Aghada in football & hurling.


In the Juvenile Teams we define success as follows:


1.      Each team having the same or more players on the panel by the end of the year.


2.      That all players have developed over the course of the year (both in terms of

personal development, skill development and athletic development)


3.      That all players are enjoying playing with Aghada GAA.


Therefore, the Club will endeavour to place each team in an appropriate

league/championship where they are competitive and where all players will be afforded

appropriate game time.



Aghada GAA is a club for children, young players and their parents/guardians. Without

parent support and involvement there is simply no club. We understand the importance of

parents/guardians, engaging with the club. Therefore, it is vital that the club provides

parents/guardians with a clear and transparent picture as to how the club operates, hence

the rationale for producing this document.



Playing Within Age 


We would rather have a large number of happy juvenile players, playing to the best of their

ability, then having a few elite teams who strive to win all around them at all costs.


The following policy is relevant for juvenile players playing at their own age groups when

sufficient numbers at the age group are available to field independently:


·         Juveniles must Train and Play with their age group, and Age Groups will apply a

Train/You Play policy.

·         Juveniles may also play on a team one year above their group provided that:

Ø  The managers of both age groups have given consent.

Ø  The parents of the child have given consent.

·         We should not play younger players ahead of appropriately aged players just to

be competitive.

·         Where necessary to facilitate meaningful training two ages groups can combine.


Occasionally groups may struggle to field a full first, or second team because of the numbers

within their group, and by deciding to go with lesser teams a panel might be so generously

sized that it will severely limit playing time.


In such cases consideration should be given to setting up an additional panel consisting of

some players from the younger age group.


In this scenario where the age group, or a team within an age group, typically a B team,

needs consistent support from the younger age group then this should be discussed at the

start of the year between the mentors from both age groups and with the group



The younger team’s mentors are encouraged to support the older team to ensure that the

Club retains those older players by having a viable team in place.


In this scenario, permission/agreement from the relevant code lead mentor coordinator

must be requested at the start of the year.


Mentors of the lower age groups should use this opportunity to rotate players willing and

able to play up.


Playing 2 years out of age 

Players cannot be part of a panel that is two years above their own age (i.e. 14 cannot be

part of 16/15 panel), save for exceptional circumstances.

It may happen that a team cannot secure enough players from the group one year younger

and then to ensure they can fill a team, the management group can consider approaching

the group 2 years younger.


This is not encouraged and should be considered as a last resort only. 


Player welfare should always come before competition considerations, and this is especially

true, in the event where children are being asked to play 2 years out of their own age group.


In this scenario, permission/agreement should be sought from the Juvenile Chairperson in

advance of each fixture.


However, before requesting this permission, there are a number of questions that should be


·         What is the total number of age-appropriate players available across the wider group that could support the group fixtures?


·         Has the group looked within itself, to balance its own playing numbers across A, B teams etc. for the fixture in question?


·         What support has been requested and received (or not) from the group one year below across A, B teams etc. for the fixture(s) in question?


·         What is the minimum team size that you are allowed field for the fixture(s) in question?


·         Can the fixture be rescheduled, when more age-appropriate players or players from the year one year below are available?


·         Has the mentor from the 2-year younger group agreed to the request of their players and parents to support?


Other Considerations:

Mentors of both teams should also give due consideration to only allowing these younger

players to play up, only if they possess both the necessary skill and physicality levels, so that

they will not be out of their depth.


- Parents/guardians of the these younger players should fully understand what team

their child is being asked to play on and parental consent is required in advance of the

game being played.


Underage Dual Players 


Aghada GAA wishes to promote, encourage and facilitate dual players at all underage levels.

This will start at the academy stage of player’s development.

The cooperation between managers and mentors in football and hurling is a crucial part of

how the club can be successful in all codes in the future.


1. No player should ever be told by a mentor not to play football or hurling.

2. Managers, of the different codes, should sit down at the start of the year to

    work out a plan so that they can work in harmony to the betterment of both


3. Managers, at all levels, should work together to avoid clashing training/fixtures

    throughout the season.

4. Regular contact between managers should be maintained, during the year, to

    highlight busy times and key games.

5. If a player decides only to play one code, this player’s decision needs to be







Sponsorship and Fundraising Policy  


1.      The Aghada Club Executive Committee is responsible for agreeing all sponsorship and fundraising related matters at all levels in the club.   


2.      This includes any possible agreement between a third party and Aghada Club.   


3.      It is not permitted for members of the Club to undertake agreements regarding sponsorship of a substantial nature without the approval of the Aghada Club Executive Committee.  (Substantial shall be sponsorship with a value in excess of €500 per year)


4.      All fundraising events should be agreed with the Aghada Club executive prior to any commitment being made to a particular event.   


5.      Mangers/Coaches of teams who source sponsorship for their team need to inform the Aghada Club Executive Committee of such sponsorship and before any commitment is entered into.



6.      All Sponsorship substantial or otherwise should be recorded in Income and Expenditure accounts of Treasurers



















Expense Reimbursement Policy  

We are a voluntary organisation of which we are proud of and all labour carried out by members for the club is considered Voluntary by the club unless there is a pre agreement before works start with the executive committee.  

All purchases on behalf of the Club should be pre-approved by the Executive Committee, the club recognises there are times when a quick decision may be required to make a reasonable expenditure (Outside of facility maintenance costs) in this case two from - Club Chairperson, Secretary or Treasure giving approval will suffice.  


The executive committee may in the process of thanking an individual for specific help to the club, purchase a non-substantial voucher or gift to a value that shall not exceed €250. E.g. of this include but are not limited to –  


·         A long serving official or member retiring from a substantial role getting a presentation at an Agm or some other forum.  

·         A recognition of professional services offered free gratis that result in a substantial saving to the club.   



If possible, purchases should be made from our Sponsors or from local businesses.   


Note: Aghada Club does not pay travel or holiday related expenses for members.



Volunteers need to submit receipts, for reimbursement.   

Reimbursement Claims should be submitted as soon as possible after purchase and, where possible, within 30 days of any purchase.   

All reimbursements will be made by cheque or electronic transfer.  











Dogs on Club Grounds Policy  

•         Dogs are not permitted on the grounds without a lead and not on playing surfaces at all.


•         We expect Club members to lead the way and respect the club Policy that all dogs are to be kept on a lead.   


•         If a Club member does not follow the club guidelines below action will be taken.  


1.     A club officer will make contact to educate the owner on why their dog must be kept on a lead and make him aware that any further breaches will result in disciplinary action from the club.  

2.     There is not much we as a club can do to non-members only educate people on the reasons why dogs must be kept on a lead, if a dog dose foul and the owner refuses to remove the faeces a person/member has the below route available to them which we as a club would support.  

It is an offence to allow a dog under your control to foul a public place. If it does happen, you, or the person in charge of the dog, is required to remove the faeces and dispose of them in a suitable, sanitary manner.   

If the dog owner does not  remove the faeces, you can make a complaint to the District Court under litter laws. Before you do this, you must first inform the dog owner by completing a form available from the Dog Control Unit of your local authority.  

•         Please understand that we are responsible for all children who attend to play our games and some children are and will be afraid of them irrespective of the size, age or disposition of the dog. All children are entitled to attend at the club in Rostellan without fear. Also, dog fouling has become an issue on the grounds and pitches in the last couple of years. This has caused hygiene problems attaining sessions and matches in the past and reflects badly on the club. It also has the potential to cause a serious injury to players.   


•         One gram of dog poop can contain up to 23 million faecal coliform bacteria. Dog faeces is also a common carrier of hookworms, roundworms, whipworms… as well as salmonella and a range of other parasites.  









Aghada Club Crest Policy   


To Protect the copyright of the Aghada Club crest.   



To bring awareness that any items with the Club Crest is only to be sold through the Official Aghada Club shop and is not to be Replicated by any other means. (Unless sanctioned by the Shop Representative or Executive committee)     


Reproduction of the Clubs crest on unofficial gear is not permitted.  



Any Requests to buy items with the club crest attached must be sent by e-mail to the official Club shop or Club secretary.     


On Request agreement will be reached around payment back to the Club shop on the usage of the club crest.  



















Aghada GAA Section Player Injury Policy  

Aghada operates under the GAA Player Injury Scheme. The guidelines for making Claims under the GAA Scheme are strict and it should be noted that processing and finalising Claims can take considerable time.  


All Members, Players, Parents / Guardians, are made, and kept, fully aware of our Club Policy in respect of Injury Claims.   


Important Note   

We would also remind all, that the playing of Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders’ involves the risk of Injury and it is each individual registered player’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the terms and benefits of the GAA Injury Benefit fund  

Each player needs to ensure that they have adequate cover in place to meet their own individual needs and personal circumstances. The GAA Injury Benefit Fund is only in place to cover benefits which cannot be claimed elsewhere and is a benefit cover only. Members should not use the fund as their only recourse or be dependent on the fund to compensate them fully for any losses associated with the injury sustained.  



•         Injuries requiring routine Physiotherapy (typically muscle strains)  


Please note routine Physiotherapy is not covered through the GAA Player Injury Scheme. The club thus cannot claim any money back for physio treatment.  

The club understands Players will need treatment from time to time and will reimburse €30 Per session for the first 3 Physio sessions, provided a charted Physio is used, the club secretary must be made aware of the injury.     


•         Serious Injuries requiring Operative Procedures \ Hospital care  



First and foremost, only fully paid up members can avail of the Players Injury Scheme.  


All serious injuries incurred during a match against an opposing team must be included in the referee’s reports. Unless included in the referee’s report, any claim will be rejected by the Players Injury Scheme. Notifying the referee is both the responsibility of the player and the mentor so please act on this.  


Any injury claim needs to be logged within 60 days of the incident. Past that, we cannot forward any claim to the Players Injury Scheme. This includes injuries incurred in training.  


Any player who wishes to make a Claim against the GAA Players Injury Scheme and who also has  Private Health Insurance ( VHI, LAYA, Aviva, Garda Medical Aid, etc. ) may do so, but in all cases you must first Apply under your own Private Health Policy. If your Private Health Insurance Policy covers your Claim, then there is no further action required. Should there be an Excess on the Private Policy which exceeds your Claim, then the GAA Injury Scheme will accept your Claim. A Statement of Account from your Private Health Insurers which sets out their position on the overall Claim will be required if you wish to further your Claim through the GAA Scheme. If you are claiming through your Private Health cover, the injury still needs to be logged with the Players Injury Scheme within 60 days (to ensure any uncovered costs can be subsequently claimed from the Player Injury Scheme). The initial logging of this does not need to include details on costs and can be updated afterwards. It is recommended here to log the injury immediately after occurrence.  

The Excess on the Player Injury Scheme is currently set at €100. This Excess will be covered by the Club. The Player, Parent or Guardian will not be out of pocket but will have to wait until the claims process has completed for reimbursement.  

Original Receipts only will be accepted when submitting claims.  



1.     If the injury occurs in the game, the player \ mentors must notify the referee and ensure it in included in the match report. Also notify the Club secretary if not present. If the injury occurs in training, notify the club secretary of the incident.  


2.     Incident is logged by the club secretary with the Player Injury Scheme. A form needs to be filled in by the injured player and signed by the club secretary.  


3.     If the player has private health insurance, the claim needs to be made through this Provider first. If the claim is fully covered, no more needs to be done. For any excess not covered, a Statement of Account from your Private Health Insurers which sets out their position on the overall Claim will be required if you wish to further your Claim through the GAA Scheme. Please provide this statement to the club secretary.  


4.     All medical procedures are paid upfront by the injured party. The club will reimburse €100 euro immediately. Once a successful claim has been made through the GAA Player Injury scheme, the club will provide the remainder of the funds to the injured party.   



Aghada Club can only make payments to players on foot of Claims after the GAA Players Injury Scheme has reimbursed the Club in respect of those Medical Expenses and Loss of wages claims.  

For clarification on any of the above, please contact the Club secretary.   


Note: The most Up to Date official GAA procedure will always supersede the club’s procedure.  

To find out more on injury claims please go to below link on the official Gaa web site   CLAIMS PROCEDURE (  







Procurement Policy  

Procurement is defined as the act of obtaining or buying goods and services. The process includes the preparation and processing of a demand as well as the end receipt and approval of payment. This policy outlines the procedure to be followed by Aghada Club when procuring goods and services.  


Procurement is about ensuring the “best value for money”. While “best value for money” will be the primary objective of the procurement policy, there are other principles which must be adhered to.  

1.      Competitive Supply: procurement should be carried out by competition unless there are convincing reasons to the contrary.  

2.      Efficiency: procurement processes should be carried out as cost effectively as possible.  

3.      Impartiality: suppliers should be treated fairly, including commercial confidentiality where required.  

4.      Integrity: there should be no corruption or collusion with suppliers or others.  

5.      Informed Decision Making: decisions should be based on accurate information.  

6.      Transparency: there should be an openness and clarity on procurement policy and its delivery.  Aghada Club is committed to the development and maintenance of an equitable, fair, and transparent procurement policy for the procuring of goods and services.  


The Executive Committee will ensure that the proper purchasing/ procurement procedures are followed.

Any suspected deviation from the correct procedures should be investigated by the Executive Committee.  


Before placing an order for any goods and services, Aghada Club should obtain the requisite number of quotations/ tenders from potential suppliers/ contractors. Aghada Club should adhere to the following procurement/ purchasing guidelines.  


ESTIMATED VALUE OF ORDER - Estimated Value Tender Action Required  

1.      Below €500 - No quote required.  

2.      €500 to €1,500 - A single oral quote.  

3.      €1,501 up to €5,000 - Where possible more than one quote  

4.      > €5,001 - A minimum of 3 written quotes, based on a clear written specification of requirement. If 3 quotes cannot be acquired for whatever reason a suitable answer must to given to the Executive Committee.


Each Club member of Aghada Club must adhere to the above guidelines. Any person who does not follow this policy may be the subject to disciplinary action by Aghada Club Executive Committee





Inclusion Policy  


•      The Club recognises the importance of affording equity, equal opportunity and fair treatment to all present and potential members.   

•      The Club aims to ensure that all people irrespective of their age, gender, ability, disability, race, religion, ethnic, origin, creed, colour, nationality, social status or sexual orientation have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in Gaelic Games at all levels and in all roles. That is, as a beginner, participant or performer, and as a coach. Official, referee, manager, administrator, or spectator.   

•      It is the aim of the club in its relationships with its members, employees, job applicants and in the provision of its services, not to disadvantage any individual by imposing any conditions or requirements which cannot be justified. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action being taken.   

•      Direct discrimination is defined as treating a person less favourably than others are or would be treated in the same or similar circumstances.   

•      Indirect discrimination occurs when a requirement or condition is applied which whether intentional or not, adversely affects a considerably larger proportion of people of one race, sex, marital status than another an cannot be justified on grounds other than race, sex or marital status.

•      As an apolitical organisation, it is our policy to abstain from political advocacy. Thus, we will refrain from any political endorsement including the erection of political flags on club grounds. Only national, county and club colours will be displayed in our grounds.




The clubs Inclusion policy has the following objectives:   

•      To adopt a planned approach to eliminating perceived barriers which discriminate against particular groups. This will include widening the traditional approach and include communities experiencing disadvantage, poverty and health inequalities.   

•      To ensure that no-one working or wishing to work for or on behalf of the club receives less favourable treatment on the ground outlined in the Policy Statement above.   

•      To give clear guidance to individuals working within the club, either employed or as volunteers, on the commitment to equal opportunities.   

•      To ensure that all those who participate in Gaelic Games, at all levels and in roles receive fair and equitable treatment.   

•      To ensure that the format and content of all competitions, regulations and assessments provide equality for all, except where specific situations and conditions properly of reasonably prevent this.   

•      To ensure that all materials prepared, produced and distributed by or on behalf of the club promote a clear image of the profile of all those who involved in the games.   



The Club expects all those acting on behalf of the association to adhere to this policy. In pursuance of this policy the Club Executive Committee reserve the right to discipline any of its members or employees who practice any form of discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, gender, ability, race, religion ethic origin, creed, nationality, social status or sexual orientation.


GYM Policy  

The gym in Aghada Club was originally established by the adult players group for team training purposes. Over the years the gym has been improved, expanded, and upgraded by the various adult player groups with committee support. The primary role of the gym is for use for Aghada player’s training and preparations for competitions with our various teams.

Full members may also avail of the gym facilities but must be do so during hours when the gym is not in use for player group training purposes.

The Following Rules have been established to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants, and to preserve our facilities for their intended use and users. Cooperation of all members is appreciated.


•      Only 16 years of age or over are permitted to enter/use the gym.     

•      Only full members of Aghada Club can use our gym, (Club Social & Coaches Assistant membership’s do not bestow gym access entitlements)   

•      Individual’s access to gym will be via key fob issued to qualifying members on payment of the set fee. Proper use of this fob will be monitored.

•      The key Fob is the responsibility of the holder and any misuse of such could result in the de-activation of this fob. The user will also be responsible for any fob lost or damaged.

•      Access fob to gym will be de-activated once membership has expired. On renewal of your membership and payment of annual fee for key fob, Access will be reactivated.

•      Participation is at your own risk.  

•      No one can use the free weights on their own.

•      Users are responsible for reading and adhering to gym policy and notices.   Gym closing times is 9:30pm



•      All users must be considerate of others using the gym.   

•      Bring a towel with you to the gym and wipe down equipment after use.  

•      Equipment Should be used for the intended purpose in the appropriate manner.  



•      Switch off machines.  

•      Return free weights properly on rack after each use.  

•      Gym to be left clean and tidy.  

•      Switch off lights when finished.  

•      Please report any malfunction /damage or issues to the club Secretary.        


 Please Note there is 24hr security camera in GYM, and all Fob activity is recorded.  


Grievance Policy  
Despite the best intentions in any workplace or voluntary organisation, issues arise from time to time that may cause grievance or a dispute.  


AGHADA CLUB is a voluntary sporting organisation and on that basis every effort should be made to avoid grievances and disputes whenever possible. Early and very informal interventions in mediation should be actively used by club members to prevent situations that might otherwise escalate into a more serious situation. Inevitably however, there will be situations that arise from time to time, where the best informal efforts at mediation fail to resolve grievances or relationship situations. It is in this context, and ONLY in this context that a more formal and structured approach will be applied. This formal approach has been established to provide a fair, transparent, and consistent procedure that provides due process to all parties involved in the grievance matter.  



1.     A grievance means a complaint or dispute by a club member on any matter. It is preferable that any such issues are settled quickly and in a low-key manner.   

2.     If the matter cannot be resolved informally, the member should present their grievance in writing to the club’s executive secretary or club executive chairperson.   

3.     On receipt of the letter, the club’s executive chairperson will inform all parties involved to strictly refrain from all forms of communication relating to the issue, until such time as the Grievance Procedure has been completed. Every effort will be made by all parties to ensure a speedy resolution to the matter.   

4.     The member (accompanied by a fellow member if they desire) should present their grievance to the


5.     The CRG will be a group of three members from the executive committee comprising Chairperson, Secretary and Vice-Chairperson. At the discretion of the Chairperson, an extra member may be added to the CRG. To avoid conflict of interest, care will be taken to not involve a person on the CRG who may have a conflict of interest in relation to the issue. This group will examine the issue and interview all parties involved.   

6.     The CRG will present its summary report and recommendation to the executive committee. The club executive committee will appraise the findings of the CRG and will approve the actions to be taken.   


These actions may include but are not limited to the following options.   


•   Acknowledgement of the merits of the original complaint and a proposed solution to same.   

•   Issue warning as to future behaviour.   

•   Suspension from training and club activities.   

•   Termination of club membership.   


8.The decision of the club executive committee will be communicated in writing to all parties involved as quickly as possible, but no later than 10 days following the decision being made.  

9. There will be no further internal arbitration on the matter.   






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